There's probably a better way to do this, but here's what I do for plugin
I manually build coq (the same version as that of the coq binaries) from
sources, say in a directory X.
While building Coq, I pass the following options to ./configure: -debug
Then, in ~/.merlin, I add the following:
FLG -rectypes
B X/config
B X/lib
B X/intf
B X/kernel
B X/kernel/byterun
B X/library
B X/engine
B X/pretyping
B X/interp
B X/proofs
B X/tactics
B X/printing
B X/parsing
B X/toplevel
B X/tools
B X/tools/coqdoc
B X/dev
B X/stm
B X/plugins/ltac
B X/vernac
Then, in vscode, I am able to jump (to definition) around in Coq sources
and see types of items that are in Coq sources.
On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 11:33 AM Hans Jacob Fehrmann Rojas <
Post by Hans Jacob Fehrmann RojasI am developing a plugin in emacs with merlin. Today I changed my pc and
now I am not able to locate the function on the coq modules. The problem
seems to be some cmt files missing. How can this be fixed?
-- Abhishek