The propositional truncation of a type "A" is a type "trunc A" with a
constructor "tr : A -> trunc A" and an elimination principle into all
h-propositions (singleton types) "trec : forall B, (forall x y : B, x
= y) -> (A -> B) -> trunc A -> B" with the appropriate beta reduction
rule "trec B H f (tr x) = f x".
From this, together with functional and propositional extensionality,
you can build quotients in the same way as you usually do it in set
theory, as the type of inhabited equivalence classes of an equivalence
relation. The trick is that that the existential quantifier is built
from the propositional truncation of a dependent sum, instead of using
the existential quantifier in Prop.
For example, let "R : A -> A -> Prop" be an equivalence relation. Then
the quotient of A by R can be defined as
Definition quot := { P : A -> Prop & trunc { x : A | P = R x } }.
I think I've seen this in the unimath library, but I'm not sure.
- Steven
Post by Siddharth BhatCould you please expand on "propositional truncation" and what that means?
I googled, and what I gather is that it is some existential witness of
inhabitation of a type that does not provide an explicit witness?
If so, I don't see how this gives rise to quotients -- could you please give
me a sketch of the construction?
Post by Bas
On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 9:32 AM, Steven Schäfer
Post by Steven SchäferHi Abhishek,
Quotient types exist and proof irrelevance (along with propositional
and functional extensionality) holds in the setoid model of type
theory. The difference to higher-inductive types is that you cannot
add computation rules on paths, since that would give you homotopy
pushouts and thus also the circle and other non-hsets.
If you are worried about consistency you could also just axiomatize
the "propositional trunctation" (or rather, squash types as in NuPRL)
and then derive quotient types from that together with funext/propext.
- Steven
2018-07-26 23:27 GMT+02:00 Abhishek Anand
Post by Abhishek AnandI understand that UIP (implied by proof irrelevance) is inconsistent with
Can higher inductive types (or just some kind of "level 1" quotients where I
don't care about distinguishing equality proofs) be added to Coq without
needing to blacklist the proof irrelevance axiom?
-- Abhishek
Sending this from my phone, please excuse any typos!