Shilpi Goel
2018-10-03 15:39:18 UTC
15th International Workshop on the ACL2 Theorem Prover
and Its Applications
November 5-6, 2018, Austin, Texas, USA
(immediately after the weekend following FMCAD 2018)
The 2018 ACL2 Workshop will be held in Austin, Texas, USA, immediately
after the weekend following FMCAD. We invite users of ACL2, users of
other theorem provers, and persons interested in the applications of
theorem proving technology to attend. Keynote talks will be given by:
Sandip Ray, University of Florida at Gainesville
Alastair Reid, ARM
Sol Swords, Centaur Technology
Register for ACL2-2018 at the following website:
Registration fees are as follows
Early (by October 26, 2018):
student: $150
regular: $225
invited speaker: $0
Late (after October 26, 2018):
student: $175
regular: $250
invited speaker: $0
NOTE: Although the schedule below is currently planned, small changes
(especially, in the order of talks) are possible.
See the website
The ACL2 Workshop series is the major technical forum for users of the
ACL2 theorem proving system to present research related to the ACL2
theorem prover and its applications. ACL2 is an industrial-strength
automated reasoning system, the latest in the Boyer-Moore family of
theorem provers. The 2005 ACM Software System Award was awarded to
Boyer, Kaufmann, and Moore for their work in ACL2 and the other
theorem provers in the Boyer-Moore family.
ACL2-2018 is a two-day workshop to be held in Austin, Texas, USA, on
November 5-6, 2018. It is the 15th in the series of ACL2 workshops,
which occur approximately every 18 months. The workshop will feature
technical papers, keynote talks, and rump sessions discussing ongoing
See the website
for further information including registration, organization, venue,
and sponsors.
Please see the following link
for information about lodging options near the workshop venue.
15th International Workshop on the ACL2 Theorem Prover
and Its Applications
November 5-6, 2018, Austin, Texas, USA
(immediately after the weekend following FMCAD 2018)
The 2018 ACL2 Workshop will be held in Austin, Texas, USA, immediately
after the weekend following FMCAD. We invite users of ACL2, users of
other theorem provers, and persons interested in the applications of
theorem proving technology to attend. Keynote talks will be given by:
Sandip Ray, University of Florida at Gainesville
Alastair Reid, ARM
Sol Swords, Centaur Technology
Register for ACL2-2018 at the following website:
Registration fees are as follows
Early (by October 26, 2018):
student: $150
regular: $225
invited speaker: $0
Late (after October 26, 2018):
student: $175
regular: $250
invited speaker: $0
NOTE: Although the schedule below is currently planned, small changes
(especially, in the order of talks) are possible.
See the website
The ACL2 Workshop series is the major technical forum for users of the
ACL2 theorem proving system to present research related to the ACL2
theorem prover and its applications. ACL2 is an industrial-strength
automated reasoning system, the latest in the Boyer-Moore family of
theorem provers. The 2005 ACM Software System Award was awarded to
Boyer, Kaufmann, and Moore for their work in ACL2 and the other
theorem provers in the Boyer-Moore family.
ACL2-2018 is a two-day workshop to be held in Austin, Texas, USA, on
November 5-6, 2018. It is the 15th in the series of ACL2 workshops,
which occur approximately every 18 months. The workshop will feature
technical papers, keynote talks, and rump sessions discussing ongoing
See the website
for further information including registration, organization, venue,
and sponsors.
Please see the following link
for information about lodging options near the workshop venue.